Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reflections - how very zen

As I prepare for yet another move, I've been trying to make the most of my remaining time here and reflect on all that I've loved about this city (while at the same time celebrating crap I won't have to deal with anymore!). Here's the long and short, for now:

Things I will miss about Charleston:
-Being so close to my parents & brother, and all the old friends who live here, and the new ones that have become such a wonderful part of my life, too.
-Dorchester Presbyterian - that's going to be a hard transition, leaving and returning to another congregation!
-The ducks and sundry birds that entertain me & the cats at our apartment.
-The awesome running trail along the marsh at West Ashley Park.
-Getting to poke around downtown or find a funky new place to eat at a moment's notice.
-Great seafood, when I could afford it!
-Looking at the pretty water that, let's face it, is pretty much everywhere. I'm surprised my apartment doesn't have a bridge in it.
-Fantastic summer to-do stuff - Riverdogs baseball, Party at the Point, and sundry warm weather fun that only Charleston can cook up.
-Can you say Art Walk? Glorious.
-All the visitors!

Things I won't miss:
-Sitting in traffic.
-Wanting to kill people in traffic.
-Paying out the nose for everything from rent to parking.
-My noisy neighbors who are making the most of their time on the dole - mostly by smoking enough to take down a pack of gorillas, listening to everything at high volume, and drinking cheap beer, courtesy of you, me, & Uncle Sam.
-Freaking "Palmetto Bugs" - a nice name for the one thing that makes my skin crawl more than ANYTHING ELSE. Ever.
-Having to drive for anything - even milk or tampons. I mean, geez!
-High taxes and car insurance.
-Trained monkey time - holla at the Pink House crew.
-TOURISTS wandering through the streets as if they're on some Hollywood set where, no, people aren't trying to drive, why do you ask? And tourists taking pictures of everything, including their freaking food, like they're Jane Goodall and we're primates. They're grits, people - get over it. And make like you're from here & grow some manners.
-Humidity hand-crafted by Satan himself from April to September.
-Rain that makes you pray for a drought straight out of the Bible. No one should have to wade in knee-deep dirty water just to get to and from the office, or to forage for freaking lunch food.
-All the visitors. Well - there won't be as many where I'm going, which will give me an occasional weekend for Lifetime television and other neglected priorities.

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